Daniela Jaramillo-Dent
Daniela Jaramillo-Dent has been a Senior Research and Teaching Associate in the Media Change & Innovation Division since December 2022. Daniela has worked as research consultant for UNHCR Innovation Service, exploring digital leisure as a pathway to inclusion for refugees. In 2021, Daniela was invited to serve as part of the advisory board for the European project SMART-EU to design a social media resilience toolkit. She has also been part of two national R+D projects in Spain exploring social media influencers. Between 2019 and 2022, Daniela led the Spanish team in the European project A Chance 4 Change, exploring media education and restorative justice to face gender-based violence in youth contexts. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the ways in which social media platforms shape narratives about immigration created by different actors including politicians, general content creators, immigrants and immigrant influencers. Her work exploring othering, belonging, identity, activism, and minority content creation on visual social media has been published in journals such as New Media & Society, European Journal of Communication, Social Media+Society, and International Journal of Communication. Selected Recent Talks
Selected Teaching Spring 2023: BA Lecture Digital Inequalities and Platforms |