Universität Zürich

IKMZ - Department of Communication and Media Research

Media Change & Innovation Division

Andreasstrasse 15
CH-8050 Zurich
Phone +41 (0)44 635 20 92
Fax +41 (0)44 634 49 34

World Internet Project – Switzerland 2021 (WIP-CH 2021)

Findings of WIP-CH 2021

For the findings of the WIP-CH 2021 we refer to the special report on digitalization due to Covid-19 and the four special reports (Themenberichte) as well as to the WIP-CH 2021 Press Release in German and in English.




Special Report 2021: Digitalization Push due to Covid-19




Research Reports 2021 (Themenberichte)



  • How has the Internet in Switzerland evolved during the past decade? (English / German)
  • How has everyday digital life in Switzerland evolved during the past decade? (English / German)
  • How have applications of everyday digital life in Switzerland spread during the past decade (English / German)
  • Digitalization push due to Covid-19: Short-term forced vs. long-term desired (English / German)
  • Digitalization push due to Covid-19: Icrease in concerns remains low (English / German)
  • How do the young and the old differ on the Internet? (English / German)
  • How common are digital assistants and self-tracking apps in Switzerland in 2021? (English / German)


About the Project


The Media Change & Innovation Division is the Swiss country partner of the World Internet Project (WIP).  This  international, collaborative project is looking at the social, political and economic impact of the Internet and other new technologies. The project started in 1999 and is chaired by Prof. Jeff Cole from the Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles. The consortium includes more than 25 partners in countries and regions all over the world. The WIP conducts detailed, international comparative longitudinal studies on the use and impact of the Internet, publishes national and international reports and holds annual conferences. The representative Swiss WIP-CH 2019 survey (computer-assisted telephone interviews) was supported by the Federal Office of Communications.

Further Publications