Universität Zürich

IKMZ - Department of Communication and Media Research

Media Change & Innovation Division

Andreasstrasse 15
CH-8050 Zurich
Phone +41 (0)44 635 20 92
Fax +41 (0)44 634 49 34

The Media Change & Innovation is presenting two papers at the 6. European Communication Conference of the ECREA (http://www.ecrea2016prague.eu/) in Prague:


 "Public Attention Framing During the #ParisAttacks. Issue Attention Changes in German Speaking News Media and Twitter in a Crisis Event"

Wallace, J.


 "How the Public Values Public Service Broadcasting"

Just, N., Büchi, M., & Latzer, M.


 Natascha Just will also be chairing a session on “New Intermediares and Platforms: Challenges for Communication Policy and Research”.


Check the full program here: http://www.ecrea2016prague.eu/preliminary-programme-online