Universität Zürich

IKMZ - Department of Communication and Media Research

Media Change & Innovation Division

Andreasstrasse 15
CH-8050 Zurich
Phone +41 (0)44 635 20 92
Fax +41 (0)44 634 49 34


  • Die Schweiz hat 2011 erstmals am World Internet Project teilgenommen und die Schweizer Bevölkerung zu ihrer Internet-Nutzung und ihren Einstellungen zum Internet  befragt.


    Nun sind erste Themenberichte verfügbar. Diese widmen sich der Internetverbreitung, der digitalen Kluft und digitalen Demokratisierung sowie  Fragen zu Meinungsfreiheit und Internetpolitik.



  • The newest addition to the ECREA Book Series «Trends in Communication Policy Research» has been released.


    This book, edited by Natascha Just and Manuel Puppis (IPMZ), University of Zurich, brings together international experts in communication policy research to tackle ongoing changes and challenges. It gives insights into new theories, methods and subjects and thereby provides important contributions to pressing communication policy issues. «Trends in Communication Policy Research» is an ideal source of information for scholars, professionals, students and anyone interested in communication policy and regulation.




    Praise for «Trends in Communication Policy Research»:

    «Communication policy research is a notoriously under-theorized field. This book puts that right. The contributors draw on older and newer theoretical approaches to institutions, interests and ideas showing very convincingly why policy in this area is so crucial in shaping the mediated world we inhabit and why innovative methods are needed in the analysis of constant pressures brought by changing markets, technologies and practices.» // Prof. Robin Mansell, London School of Economics and Political Science


    «The authors gather a chorus of provocative voices to explore and explain new tendencies in communications research and their implications for communications policy. A real service to the field and a pioneering way to organize innovative thought.» // Prof. Monroe E. Price, Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania


    «As a result of on-going transformations in law-state-society relations, communication policy is neither what it was, nor what is depicted through the relatively limited range of habitual research methods, theories, and conceptualizations of the research subject. This literate, sophisticated, and stimulating collection valuably opens the conversation about where European communication policy research might go in the 21st century.» // Prof. Sandra Braman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


    Just, Natascha/Puppis, Manuel (eds) (2012): Trends in Communication Policy Research. New Theories, Methods & Subjects. (ECREA Book Series, Vol. 7). Bristol/Chicago: Intellect. ISBN: 978-1-84150-4674


    Katharina Hollnbuchner joined the Media Change & Innovation Division of the IPMZ as Research and Teaching Associate in February 2012. As of May she will hold a doctoral position in the SNF project „Algorithmic Selection in the Internet“. Her research centers on the relationship between media and politics, with a special emphasis on media governance, and regulatory aspects of algorithmic selections on the Internet.